On days April 18, 19 and 20 marked the Congregational Evangelical Church of Brazil made a spiritual retreat with the theme "Restoring the luster of coexistence"
50 pastors with their wives and many children had their special moments of joy and edification for the important messages of education for all male and female servants of God.
Best regards
Susana Renner
Harding te coloco en español lo que escrevi en inglés.
Es para
En los días 18, 19 y 20 de Março la Iglesia Evangelica Congregacional del Brasil realizó un retiro espiritual con el tema " Restaurando el brillo de la convivencia"
Los 50 pastores con sus esposas y muchos con sus hijos tuvieron momentos especiales de alegria y de edificación por las importantes mensajes de enseñanza para todos los siervos y siervas de
Saludos cordiales
Susana Renner
The ICF Regional Secretary for Latin America (South and Central America) is Sra Susana Renner who is based in Brazil.
Email: susanar@icfexec.org
The Challenges of Latin America
There are many challenges for this progressive Region of Latin America. Here in Brazil, on the first time a woman was elected as president, occupying the most important political office in the
country. But the biggest challenge in the care wiht that Nature, these environmental problems are faced in many countries, and also the internal wars against drug trafficking, where there are
many deaths of civilians, but we still have many struggles to cope as woman Latin America, the violence against them is still very entrenched, many challenges lie ahead for each. We hope the
best for everyone and always remember the words of the Psalmist "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…" (Ps 33.12).
Challenges as the Congregational Church also frighten us, because we live a Christian mystic, light, virtual, banal. It is necessary, and it is great challenge to all churches you would be back to preach and live the entire Word of God. That's what Jesus recommended "Search the Scriptures ....." (John 5.39).
Christmas, is that life is born.
Christmas is Christ coming,
Blessed Christmas and prosperous Year 2011
Susan Renner - Latin America