· To encourage fellowship and mutual counsel among Congregationalists worldwide;
· To encourage all Congregationalists, Congregational churches, and Congregational associations, and other Congregational bodies in their work
of proclaiming the Christian gospel and engaging in the works of God’s mission;
· To raise awareness of the distinctive values of Congregationalism throughout the wider Christian family;
· To encourage the exploration of Congregationalism through training, education and experience among people of all ages;
· To foster and encourage stronger relationships between existing Congregational churches, associations and other Congregational bodies, and
to develop the expression of Congregationalism among emerging churches throughout the world;
· To promote theological education, and research; especially where this is related to Congregational principles;
· To express solidarity with all people in upholding justice, respect for human life, peace, and the integrity of creation.
At the heart of ICF is our International Family Conference held every four years at a different location each time. Conferences have been held in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Greece and Korea. Since 1977 the ICF has hosted international conferences bringing together adults, youth, clergy and laity from our churches all over the world. The Congregational Way calls us to fellowship with each other. It is truly amazing what like-minded Christians can learn when we take the time to share our experiences and our faith journey. We hope you will spend some time getting to know us here on this website and, perhaps, even join us for our next Quadrennial Conference. No matter what, who or where you are, in the name of Jesus Christ you are most welcome here.
ICF Youth is an essential aspect of ICF life over the years. At our Quadrennial Conferences we organize a youth oriented parallel confefrence. Participants have the life changing opportunity to meet fellow students from around the world and be enriched by thediversity of cultures in the Christian experience.
In addition to the Conferences, ICF facilitates the Theological Commission to promote and provide the means for the development of theological reflection and expression in the context of the living Congregational Way. We also publish the International Congregational Journal featuring history and theology of The Congregational Way through scholarly papers by educators and clergy around the world.
Congregationalism is essentially about the life of the local church so the life of the fellowship is really the life of all the individuual local churches that make us the ICF. Regular news of ICF life is published and circulated widely throughout the world and in various languages.
The International Congregational Fellowship functions as a global network. There is no head office or headquarters staff. Various roles are shared throughout the nations.
Conference elects members to its International Executive Committee every four years. These include a Moderator (or Co-Moderators), and International Secretary, an International Treasurer and a Communications Officer. In addition to these officers the IEC includes Regional Secretaries, each one appointed by the Conference representatives from each of the ICF Region.
Various aspects of the life of the Fellowship are delegated to various Commissions. These include a Youth Commission that organizes ICF Youth and a Structures Commission that deals with constitutional concerns. To assist witht this work, we have three roving Ambassadors who travel various parts of the world representing ICF.